
Video Testimonials

Absolutely love my new suit. As you can see it fits really really well. The process of going through getting the suit was really straightforward. Overall I´m absolutely delighted with the suit. -- Dane F.

Oh thank you. I´m happy to talk to the camera about my experience with Aman Tailors for those services. Well, the fit is great nice and tapered. The length of the sleeves is perfect, not too long. It´s perfect plus the jacket is perfect, fits good. -- Chris

Thank you no problem. I already bought half a dozen suits from Aman Tailors. All the suits fit very nicely. They are very comfortable even when you´re whole day at the office, no wrinkles. The suit quality is really outstanding. -- James

Customer Reviews on Google

Review by Andy Gilchrist of www.askandyaboutclothes.com

http://www.askandyaboutclothes.com, June 10, 2014

I just received another superior sport jacket from Aman Tailors.

This one has a great pattern of khaki and caramel checks, and the fabric is 100% pure wool made by Luigi Fiorentino in Italy and is Super 120's.

They had my size perfectly from the first jacket and shirt so there is was no hesitation ordering from them again. I went with (surprise) peak lapels, hacking pockets including a ticket pocket and working sleeve buttons, of course!

And a fun lining, but not a full lining so it's cooler for Southern California. Investment for this jacket would be $780 + $30 shipping (Total $810).


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